Safety Rules for Children
Hello, my name is Gulzar Isayeva and I am ten years old. From a very young age, I loved writing and reading books. One day an idea came to my mind to write my first book about safety of children and publish it worldwide, because I want to protect children from unsafe acts. I know what safety is, because I’m from a large family with four children, and I’m the eldest. The characters of this book are taken from the image of my younger sister and brother. I believe my book will help children stay safe!
- 64 rəngli səhifə
- Yaş Kateqoriyası: 6 yaşdan yuxarı
- Bərk üz qabığı
- Ölçü: 200x230mm
- ISBN: 9789952532555
- Qiymət : 10.00 AZN
Gülzar Isayeva
Zöhrab Cabbarov